Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chair backs never looked so good!

Purple is a great color that we can use in so many ways. This is a great example of whimsical and airy. This look probably will not go with a typical ballroom chair, you would want to use a chavari. http://www.chameleonchair.com/ This is great to pair with purple of almost any purple hue as a table linen. The chair cover has just enough texture that you could go with a flat satin table linen or pair it with lots of texture such as a rosette.
This is a much more subtle lilac chair cover. This lends itself to a much more tailored and elegant look. This is a great option if you do not want the expense of bringing in an outside chair as you can cover a ballroom chair with it. Just make sure you use the padding insert to square out the top. I love this chair paired with a matching satin or even a rich silk. http://www.chameleonchair.com/ To see some more fun purple chair ideas please look to the right hand column of the bog page and scroll down.

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